


The type of cricket bat best suited to you won’t necessarily match that of your teammates. So how are you meant to know what type of bat you should use? Well, there are three key variables that can help steer you towards a more specific bat type that suits you:  

  1. Your age  
  1. Your height  
  1. Your playing style  

Below, we will take you through five generalised categories to help you determine which bat type you should start looking into.   

  1. The Young Learner 

For the youngsters who are developing their skill sets across both their front and back foot shots, we recommend a mid-middle bat where the largest part of the spine and edge is in the middle of the bat. Whilst using a lightweight bat is essential to learn quick hand and bat speed at the crease, it is equally as important to find the largest blade size possible that still accommodates their weight needs. The larger the blade the further the ball will go, and for youngsters learning the game there’s nothing more exciting than smashing bowlers to the boundary. From a size perspective, the top of the handle should come up no higher than their hip.  

  1. The Rapidly Growing Youngster 

Some youngsters hit their growth spurts a lot earlier than their teammates, but still haven’t developed the strength needed to effectively use an adult size bat. We recommend looking for a lightweight adult size bat like our Aurora bat to ensure bat speed remains optimal. Given they are still learning and developing their skill set, we recommend a mid-middle bat to achieve both front and backfoot shots.  

  1. The Standard 

For adults who are average height, have a good strength capacity and play off both the front and backfoot, we recommend a mid-middle bat with a standard handle length to successfully execute all shots in your repertoire.  

  1. The Tall Front-footer 

Generally speaking the taller the batter, the lower on the bat they will play the ball given they can get forward to the ball. Due to this, we recommend looking into bats with a mid to low profile, however be aware that with a lower profile comes a heavier feeling bat given the bulk of the wood sits lower on the bat. Dependent on how tall you are, you may need to look to a long handle (+25mm) and a long blade (+25mm) to ensure you aren’t compromising your body height when hitting the ball.  

  1. The Short Backfoot Dynamite 

As a short batter, no matter whether you’re playing on the front or backfoot you will generally meet the ball higher than your teammates. Meeting the ball higher generally means you will have begun to dominate the hook and pull shot, therefore we recommend looking into a Mid to High profile to support these backfoot preference shots but still cater to your front-foot needs.  

This is a general guide only, but we hope it has helped you narrow down your search for the perfect cricket bat. You can find all of our customisable cricket bats HERE to determine which one suits your game. 

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